Lord of Life

POEM • A heartfelt prayer in the spirit of Augustine, “Lord of Life” expresses deep longing for Christ, the Bread, Fount, Light, and Word of Life, surrendering all lesser loves to receive his boundless grace.

Read time: 1 min

Lord of Life

Bread of Life, I hunger

To savor Thee and naught but for Thee.

Joy of Life, I sunder

Lesser joys that sunder me.

Fount of Life, I thirst

To drink of Thee and naught but from Thee.

Light of Life, I curse

The blinding black of night in me.

Word of Life, I believe

With soul and mind and strength and heart.

Lord of Life, I receive

Thy boundless love lest I depart.

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  • Footnote: Timothy J. Harris, “Lord of Life,” Practical Theologian, January 10, 2024, https://www.practicaltheologian.com/blog/paper-g8plw-d36h8.

  • Bibliography: Harris, Timothy J. “Lord of Life.” Practical Theologian, January 10, 2024. https://www.practicaltheologian.com/blog/paper-g8plw-d36h8.


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