Your Marriage Is a Subplot within God’s Story of Redemption
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

Your Marriage Is a Subplot within God’s Story of Redemption

WEDDING SERMON • Human marriages are sacred subplots within God's grand Story of Redemption, finite stories given context and meaning by four master plotlines of the biblical metanarrative: (1) the cultural mandate, (2) the curse on mankind, (3) the conquest of Messiah, and (4) the consummation of Christ’s marriage at the end of time.

12 min

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Jesus: Incarnate Christ, Eternal God
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

Jesus: Incarnate Christ, Eternal God

SERMON Embroiled in debate with Jesus, the Jewish leaders ask: “Who do you make yourself out to be?” To paraphrase Jesus’ two-fold response—which both shocks and infuriates his critics: “I am both the promised seed of Abraham and the God of Abraham. I am the ‘I Am.’”

38 min

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He Came to His Own
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

He Came to His Own

SERMON • Jesus divides history and humanity into two kinds of people: those who believe in Him and those who do not. When the eternal Son of God entered the world he had made, most people rejected him. But all, who by God’s grace, welcomed Jesus were welcomed into God’s family. The same is true today.

42 min

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