Taylor’s Protestant Problem: How to Live Coram Deo without Burning Out
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

Taylor’s Protestant Problem: How to Live Coram Deo without Burning Out

ARTICLE • Charles Taylor blamed the Protestant Reformation for the rise of secularism. He alleged that the high spiritual bar set for the average believer in Protestantism has led many to give up on the faith. Does this charge have any merit? If so, how can believers integrate their faith in all of life without caving under the pressure of living as Scripture requires?

Read time: 10 min

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Your Marriage Is a Subplot within God’s Story of Redemption
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

Your Marriage Is a Subplot within God’s Story of Redemption

WEDDING SERMON • Human marriages are sacred subplots within God's grand Story of Redemption, finite stories given context and meaning by four master plotlines of the biblical metanarrative: (1) the cultural mandate, (2) the curse on mankind, (3) the conquest of Messiah, and (4) the consummation of Christ’s marriage at the end of time.

12 min

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The Convicting Work of the Spirit
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

The Convicting Work of the Spirit

SERMON • In John 16, Jesus teaches how the Holy Spirit lays a foundation in our souls that undergirds all further moral convictions: the Spirit convinces us of our sin, of Christ's perfect righteousness, and of divine judgment awaiting those who remain outside of Christ.

47 min

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When Jesus Feels Far Away
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

When Jesus Feels Far Away

SERMON • Before completing His mission and returning to the Father, Jesus assured His apostles that He was not abandoning them. Rather, in every age, disciples can experience the presence, revelation, and fellowship of God through the indwelling Holy Spirit.

49 min

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The End of Guilt
Devotions Tim Harris Devotions Tim Harris

The End of Guilt

DEVOTION • “Though you wash yourself with lye and use much soap, the stain of your guilt is still before me” (Jer 2:22); “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow” (Is 1:18).

Read time: 3 min

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Part 1 – What Are We Doing Here? How the “Worldview” of Biblical Counseling Differs from Secular Therapies
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

Part 1 – What Are We Doing Here? How the “Worldview” of Biblical Counseling Differs from Secular Therapies

ARTICLE • The worldview of biblical counselors differs significantly from both secular and secularized ‘Christian’ worldviews, influencing the aims that the counseling conversation should take, the diagnoses of the root causes of a counselee’s troubles and responses to trouble, and the actual counsel given.

Read time: 7 min

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