Taylor’s Protestant Problem: How to Live Coram Deo without Burning Out
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

Taylor’s Protestant Problem: How to Live Coram Deo without Burning Out

ARTICLE • Charles Taylor blamed the Protestant Reformation for the rise of secularism. He alleged that the high spiritual bar set for the average believer in Protestantism has led many to give up on the faith. Does this charge have any merit? If so, how can believers integrate their faith in all of life without caving under the pressure of living as Scripture requires?

Read time: 10 min

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Part 1 – What Are We Doing Here? How the “Worldview” of Biblical Counseling Differs from Secular Therapies
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

Part 1 – What Are We Doing Here? How the “Worldview” of Biblical Counseling Differs from Secular Therapies

ARTICLE • The worldview of biblical counselors differs significantly from both secular and secularized ‘Christian’ worldviews, influencing the aims that the counseling conversation should take, the diagnoses of the root causes of a counselee’s troubles and responses to trouble, and the actual counsel given.

Read time: 7 min

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Lazarus & a Vital Lesson in the Love of Jesus
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

Lazarus & a Vital Lesson in the Love of Jesus

ARTICLE • “If Jesus really loves me, he would….” How would you complete the sentence? For Martha and Mary, the test of Jesus’ love was whether he would heal their brother, Lazarus. Jesus exposed their short-sighted assumptions by letting Lazarus die, so they could learn that Christ is no mere means to our ends in life—he is the Source and Substance of life itself.

Read time: 9 min

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The Plot of the Gospel of John
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

The Plot of the Gospel of John

ARTICLE • Writing explicitly to inspire readers’ faith in Jesus Christ (John 20:31), the apostle John masterfully crafted the plot of his eyewitness account of Jesus’ ministry, death, and resurrection.

Read time: 6 min

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“Husband” Is a Verb Too
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

“Husband” Is a Verb Too

ARTICLE • Husband has its origins in Old English, derived from the Old Norse, “húsbóndi,” which means “cultivator of a house.” The word combines “hús” (house) and “bóndi” (tiller of soil). How might this imagery inform your household?

Read time: 3 min

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“Yahweh, He Is God.”
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

“Yahweh, He Is God.”

ARTICLE • In a dramatic showdown on Mount Carmel, Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal and revealed the power of the one true God. This ancient story serves as a crucial reminder that our idols—whether career success, human approval, or material wealth—always disappoint and God never does.

Read time: 4 min

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The Ways of God in Joshua & Judges
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

The Ways of God in Joshua & Judges

ARTICLE • What did God reveal about himself in the Old Testament books of Joshua and Judges? In these two accounts, the acts of God—as the out-workings of his character—reveal him to be faithful, fearsome, and forgiving, opposing rebels and showing mercy towards the repentant.

Read time: 5 min

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The Absurdity of Life Without God: Meaning and Morality in a Post-Theistic World
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

The Absurdity of Life Without God: Meaning and Morality in a Post-Theistic World

ARTICLE • Notable atheist, Bertrand Russell, once opined that we must “build our lives on the firm foundation of unyielding despair.” Atheism provides no ground for mankind’s universal longings for meaning and morality. This article surveys the reality that one can either live happily or consistently with the atheist worldview.

Read time: 31 min

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