Beware of Ritual without Relationship

Hosea 6:6: “For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice, the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.”

Read time: 2 min

When his religious critics complained that Jesus ate with sinners, he responded that he came to heal the sick not the healthy. Then he gave them a homework assignment based on Hosea 6:6: “Go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners” (Matt 9:13 ).

Jesus quotes Hosea to remind his audience that internal spiritual qualities and a sincere relationship with God are more important than external religious rituals performed by cold hearts.

This isn’t to say that ritual does not have its place in our faith. We are ritualistic creatures by nature, and are shaped for better or worse by the rituals to which we commit. Many means of grace, for instance, are rituals, such as scripture reading, prayer, church attendance, and more. Jesus’ point, however, is that God desires our hearts in and above it all.

It’s not our past righteousness but our present repentance that God wants from us; not our religious knowledge or pedigree but our contrition and desperate sense of need for the grace of God in Jesus. This is a lesson we have to “go and learn” over and over. Where’s your heart today?


Heavenly Father, teach me to value genuine love and true knowledge of you in and above my rituals. Guide my heart towards genuine devotion and mercy today. Amen.


Christology of the New Testament


Overcoming Sin and Temptation