Christology of the New Testament

PROJECT • Comprised of five lecture outlines on Christology, this teaching project provides an overview of the person and work of Jesus Christ from the pages of the New Testament.

Read time: 41 min


(Full project linked here)

This project examines key facets of Jesus Christ's identity and work in the New Testament, exploring his roles as the Son of Man, Son of God, Final Prophet, Atoning Priest, and Messianic King. In the section on the Son of Man, his humanity, universal authority, and practical implications are discussed. The Son of God dimension highlights Jesus as the True and Better Son of God, drawing parallels to figures like Adam, Israel, and David. The Final Prophet aspect underscores Jesus as the supreme revealer of God's character and will. The Atoning Priest section focuses on Jesus' role in atoning for sins, rooted in Old Testament imagery. Finally, the Messianic King element emphasizes his fulfillment of Davidic prophecies and his supreme authority. Offering a compact and accessible exploration of the key aspects of Jesus’ identity and redemptive work, this project provides insights for theological reflection and personal faith rooted in the New Testament canon.


Jesus: Incarnate Christ, Eternal God


Beware of Ritual without Relationship