Scripture and Transgender Identity Construction: How Genesis 1:26–27 Reorients a Subjective Sense of Gender Identity with Objective Reality

PAPER • This research paper explores the realignment of transgender self-perception with biblical anthropology, rooting one’s authentic identity in God’s original and immutable designs for biological males and females.

Read time: 81 min


(Full paper linked here)

This research paper argues that a transgender identity construction distorts an individual’s perception of his or her gender identity. Scripture can reorient an errant gender identity perspective by identifying, affirming some, and correcting other aspects of that perspective. By examining Genesis 1:26–27, with parts of Genesis chapters two and three, this study aims to demonstrate how Scripture can realign one’s subjective sense of gender identity with the objective reality revealed in creation’s order and Scripture’s authoritative interpretation of that order. Methodologically, this paper will establish its thesis by a three-part approach. Firstly, it will present relevant research highlighting how cultural and situational factors can lead an individual to construct a subjective sense of gender identity that deviates from objective biological and theological realities. Secondly, the paper will exposit Genesis 1:26–27 to show the plausibility structures of the creation account relevant to the relationship of the sexual binary to gender identity. Thirdly, the paper will explore how Genesis can reorient the perspective of my counselee by (1) helping him recognize elements of his own perspective, (2) affirming certain elements of his perspective, and (3) correcting disordered elements of his perspective.


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