Lazarus & a Vital Lesson in the Love of Jesus
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

Lazarus & a Vital Lesson in the Love of Jesus

ARTICLE • “If Jesus really loves me, he would….” How would you complete the sentence? For Martha and Mary, the test of Jesus’ love was whether he would heal their brother, Lazarus. Jesus exposed their short-sighted assumptions by letting Lazarus die, so they could learn that Christ is no mere means to our ends in life—he is the Source and Substance of life itself.

Read time: 9 min

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How Could a Good, All-Powerful God Allow Evil and Suffering?
Questions Tim Harris Questions Tim Harris

How Could a Good, All-Powerful God Allow Evil and Suffering?

Q&A • The Problem of Evil is a wrecking ball to unthoughtful faith and a trust-building gymnasium to those who ask hard questions and persevere to find biblical answers. Here I reason that (1) if we unwisely rule out God’s existence, good and evil lose all meaning, (2) God has morally sufficient reasons for allowing evil to be, and (3) only an all-powerful God can (and has promised to!) redeem and eradicate all evil in the end.

Read time: 9 min

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