How Could a Good, All-Powerful God Allow Evil and Suffering?
Questions Tim Harris Questions Tim Harris

How Could a Good, All-Powerful God Allow Evil and Suffering?

Q&A • The Problem of Evil is a wrecking ball to unthoughtful faith and a trust-building gymnasium to those who ask hard questions and persevere to find biblical answers. Here I reason that (1) if we unwisely rule out God’s existence, good and evil lose all meaning, (2) God has morally sufficient reasons for allowing evil to be, and (3) only an all-powerful God can (and has promised to!) redeem and eradicate all evil in the end.

Read time: 9 min

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The Absurdity of Life Without God: Meaning and Morality in a Post-Theistic World
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

The Absurdity of Life Without God: Meaning and Morality in a Post-Theistic World

ARTICLE • Notable atheist, Bertrand Russell, once opined that we must “build our lives on the firm foundation of unyielding despair.” Atheism provides no ground for mankind’s universal longings for meaning and morality. This article surveys the reality that one can either live happily or consistently with the atheist worldview.

Read time: 31 min

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