Your Marriage Is a Subplot within God’s Story of Redemption
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

Your Marriage Is a Subplot within God’s Story of Redemption

WEDDING SERMON • Human marriages are sacred subplots within God's grand Story of Redemption, finite stories given context and meaning by four master plotlines of the biblical metanarrative: (1) the cultural mandate, (2) the curse on mankind, (3) the conquest of Messiah, and (4) the consummation of Christ’s marriage at the end of time.

12 min

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The Primacy of Expository Preaching in the Local Church
Papers Tim Harris Papers Tim Harris

The Primacy of Expository Preaching in the Local Church

PAPER • As tempting as it may be to try to replace biblical preaching with promising novelties of various sorts, nothing actually can replace biblical preaching. This paper gives three arguments for why and three applications for how to prioritize the expository preaching of biblical texts in the gathered assembly.

Read time: 24 min

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