The Plot of the Gospel of John
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

The Plot of the Gospel of John

ARTICLE • Writing explicitly to inspire readers’ faith in Jesus Christ (John 20:31), the apostle John masterfully crafted the plot of his eyewitness account of Jesus’ ministry, death, and resurrection.

Read time: 6 min

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Zeal for God’s House
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

Zeal for God’s House

SERMON • Taking whip in hand, Jesus famously ‘cleansed the temple’ in Jerusalem. But more than simply driving out animals and profiteers, Jesus was purging his Father’s house as a preview of both coming judgment and salvation through his own body, the true Temple.

42 min

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He Came to His Own
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

He Came to His Own

SERMON • Jesus divides history and humanity into two kinds of people: those who believe in Him and those who do not. When the eternal Son of God entered the world he had made, most people rejected him. But all, who by God’s grace, welcomed Jesus were welcomed into God’s family. The same is true today.

42 min

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