Theology Is to Marriage What a House is to a Home

ARTICLE • "By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches” (Prov. 24:3-4).

Read time: 4

The Foundation

Just as a well-built house relies on a strong foundation of steel and concrete—often hidden beneath the surface and only noticed when cracks begin to form—so too, a marriage depends on a solid theological foundation. A house is only as strong as its foundation, and whether strong or faulty, that foundation will reveal itself in countless ways for as long as the house stands.

Similarly, a marriage grounded in the truths of God's Word—truths about God, ourselves, each other, and the world we share—will stand firm.

The Frame, Walls & Floor

This theological foundation is not just the bedrock beneath a marriage, it’s also the frame and structure that protect what’s within from what’s without. It provides the contours, boundaries, and controls within which spouses build a life together.

It’s the walls where photographed memories will be hung. It forms the ideological floors on which little feet will learn to walk, little knees to pray… and little hands to write with permanent markers!

The Trim, Colors & Decore

A theological house is the beautiful trim work, colors, and decor that create the atmosphere of a home, shaping the communication, culture, and focus of one’s marriage and family moment by moment. It is the many doorways and rooms through which spouses pass thousands of times in moving towards each other in faith, hope, and love—reflecting God's priorities, designs, and blessings in the home.

The Lighting

Finally, one’s theological house is the lighting that illuminates life in all seasons—the joys, the sorrows, and everything in between. As we journey through the wild adventure of marriage, may our theology not only support our union but also suffuse it with the light of God’s unerring Word.

Theology in Practice

Understanding who God is, what He has done, and what He promises shapes the way we love, serve, and forgive each other in marriage. When we grasp the reality of God's grace, we are better equipped to extend grace to each other. When we see how Christ sacrificially loves His church, we are challenged to love our spouse with the same selflessness.

Theology gives us the right perspective on challenges within marriage, too. The winds of disagreement, unmet expectations, and circumstantial trials are inevitable, but a sturdy house can weather such storms with hope and perseverance.

So, out of what ideological materials are you building your marriage’s home? Social media influencers, popular culture, popular self-help books, rash advice from friends and family, secular psychology, materialism, romantic ideals, cultural norms, or simply the pragmatic "you do you" philosophy in a pursuit of personal fulfillment?

Scripture testifies:

“By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established.”

God’s Word provides the wisdom we need to build wisely. ❖


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