Your Marriage Is a Subplot within God’s Story of Redemption
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

Your Marriage Is a Subplot within God’s Story of Redemption

WEDDING SERMON • Human marriages are sacred subplots within God's grand Story of Redemption, finite stories given context and meaning by four master plotlines of the biblical metanarrative: (1) the cultural mandate, (2) the curse on mankind, (3) the conquest of Messiah, and (4) the consummation of Christ’s marriage at the end of time.

12 min

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“Husband” Is a Verb Too
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

“Husband” Is a Verb Too

ARTICLE • Husband has its origins in Old English, derived from the Old Norse, “húsbóndi,” which means “cultivator of a house.” The word combines “hús” (house) and “bóndi” (tiller of soil). How might this imagery inform your household?

Read time: 3 min

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The Mystery of Marriage
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

The Mystery of Marriage

SERMON For many, marriage is little more than a social contract in which two lovers team up to relentlessly pursue their own pleasure. God, however, designed marriage to be radically God-centered. Marriage exists primarily as a joyful, human picture of the union of Christ and His Church. As such, our marriages must not mimic ever-changing societal norms but echo the eternal love story of Jesus and His Bride.

49 min

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What is the “Gift” of Singleness?
Papers Tim Harris Papers Tim Harris

What is the “Gift” of Singleness?

PAPER • In 1 Corinthians 7:7, did Paul suggest that the “gift” of singleness is the preferable state of all believers in a fallen world—as has been argued by some—or the grace-empowered, voluntary celibacy of a relative few? This paper critiques the former view and makes a case for the latter, depicting celibacy as a special calling not superior to the enduring sanctity of marriage.

Read time: 12 min

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