Christology of the New Testament
Projects Tim Harris Projects Tim Harris

Christology of the New Testament

PROJECT • Comprised of five lecture outlines on Christology, this teaching project provides an overview of the person and work of Jesus Christ from the pages of the New Testament.

Read time: 41 min

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Three Hermeneutical Horizons in Practice: A Narrative Analysis of 2 Samuel 7
Projects Tim Harris Projects Tim Harris

Three Hermeneutical Horizons in Practice: A Narrative Analysis of 2 Samuel 7

PROJECT • This project offers a biblical-theological interpretation of 2 Samuel 7 using a three-horizons hermeneutic: textual, covenantal (i.e. epochal), and canonical. This method provides a layered understanding of the passage, revealing its significance in immediate context, historical covenants, and the broader biblical narrative.

Read time: 13 min

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