“Yahweh, He Is God.”
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

“Yahweh, He Is God.”

ARTICLE • In a dramatic showdown on Mount Carmel, Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal and revealed the power of the one true God. This ancient story serves as a crucial reminder that our idols—whether career success, human approval, or material wealth—always disappoint and God never does.

Read time: 4 min

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Three Hermeneutical Horizons in Practice: A Narrative Analysis of 2 Samuel 7
Projects Tim Harris Projects Tim Harris

Three Hermeneutical Horizons in Practice: A Narrative Analysis of 2 Samuel 7

PROJECT • This project offers a biblical-theological interpretation of 2 Samuel 7 using a three-horizons hermeneutic: textual, covenantal (i.e. epochal), and canonical. This method provides a layered understanding of the passage, revealing its significance in immediate context, historical covenants, and the broader biblical narrative.

Read time: 13 min

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How People Change
Reviews Tim Harris Reviews Tim Harris

How People Change

Book Review • Timothy S. Lane and Paul D. Tripp, How People Change (Greensboro, NC: New Growth Press, 2008). Kindle Edition. 272 pp. $10.

Read time: 14 min

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Counseling Gender Dysphoria by Means of a Theology of Embodiment
Papers Tim Harris Papers Tim Harris

Counseling Gender Dysphoria by Means of a Theology of Embodiment

PAPER • This paper envisages Gender Dysphoria through the lens of biblical counseling, arguing that a theology of embodiment crucially reframes GD by contextualizing the experience within the doctrines of Creation, the Fall, God’s Providence, and the embodied person and work of Jesus Christ.

Read time: 75 min

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Zeal for God’s House
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

Zeal for God’s House

SERMON • Taking whip in hand, Jesus famously ‘cleansed the temple’ in Jerusalem. But more than simply driving out animals and profiteers, Jesus was purging his Father’s house as a preview of both coming judgment and salvation through his own body, the true Temple.

42 min

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The Ways of God in Joshua & Judges
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

The Ways of God in Joshua & Judges

ARTICLE • What did God reveal about himself in the Old Testament books of Joshua and Judges? In these two accounts, the acts of God—as the out-workings of his character—reveal him to be faithful, fearsome, and forgiving, opposing rebels and showing mercy towards the repentant.

Read time: 5 min

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What is the “Gift” of Singleness?
Papers Tim Harris Papers Tim Harris

What is the “Gift” of Singleness?

PAPER • In 1 Corinthians 7:7, did Paul suggest that the “gift” of singleness is the preferable state of all believers in a fallen world—as has been argued by some—or the grace-empowered, voluntary celibacy of a relative few? This paper critiques the former view and makes a case for the latter, depicting celibacy as a special calling not superior to the enduring sanctity of marriage.

Read time: 12 min

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How Could a Good, All-Powerful God Allow Evil and Suffering?
Questions Tim Harris Questions Tim Harris

How Could a Good, All-Powerful God Allow Evil and Suffering?

Q&A • The Problem of Evil is a wrecking ball to unthoughtful faith and a trust-building gymnasium to those who ask hard questions and persevere to find biblical answers. Here I reason that (1) if we unwisely rule out God’s existence, good and evil lose all meaning, (2) God has morally sufficient reasons for allowing evil to be, and (3) only an all-powerful God can (and has promised to!) redeem and eradicate all evil in the end.

Read time: 9 min

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He Came to His Own
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

He Came to His Own

SERMON • Jesus divides history and humanity into two kinds of people: those who believe in Him and those who do not. When the eternal Son of God entered the world he had made, most people rejected him. But all, who by God’s grace, welcomed Jesus were welcomed into God’s family. The same is true today.

42 min

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Love Your Neighbor More
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

Love Your Neighbor More

SERMON • Who is my neighbor? In other words, whom am I obligated to love? In answer to this question, Jesus told the parable of the “Good Samaritan,” possibly the best known and least understood story Jesus ever told. Join us as we discover the truth behind this famous parable and learn to see ourselves, others, and Jesus with new eyes.

34 min

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The Absurdity of Life Without God: Meaning and Morality in a Post-Theistic World
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

The Absurdity of Life Without God: Meaning and Morality in a Post-Theistic World

ARTICLE • Notable atheist, Bertrand Russell, once opined that we must “build our lives on the firm foundation of unyielding despair.” Atheism provides no ground for mankind’s universal longings for meaning and morality. This article surveys the reality that one can either live happily or consistently with the atheist worldview.

Read time: 31 min

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