Lazarus & a Vital Lesson in the Love of Jesus
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

Lazarus & a Vital Lesson in the Love of Jesus

ARTICLE • “If Jesus really loves me, he would….” How would you complete the sentence? For Martha and Mary, the test of Jesus’ love was whether he would heal their brother, Lazarus. Jesus exposed their short-sighted assumptions by letting Lazarus die, so they could learn that Christ is no mere means to our ends in life—he is the Source and Substance of life itself.

Read time: 9 min

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Pursuing the Abundant Life in the Spirit
Devotions Tim Harris Devotions Tim Harris

Pursuing the Abundant Life in the Spirit

DEVOTION • “One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple” (Ps 27:4).

Read time: 2 min

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The Plot of the Gospel of John
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

The Plot of the Gospel of John

ARTICLE • Writing explicitly to inspire readers’ faith in Jesus Christ (John 20:31), the apostle John masterfully crafted the plot of his eyewitness account of Jesus’ ministry, death, and resurrection.

Read time: 6 min

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“Husband” Is a Verb Too
Articles Tim Harris Articles Tim Harris

“Husband” Is a Verb Too

ARTICLE • Husband has its origins in Old English, derived from the Old Norse, “húsbóndi,” which means “cultivator of a house.” The word combines “hús” (house) and “bóndi” (tiller of soil). How might this imagery inform your household?

Read time: 3 min

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Jesus: Incarnate Christ, Eternal God
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

Jesus: Incarnate Christ, Eternal God

SERMON Embroiled in debate with Jesus, the Jewish leaders ask: “Who do you make yourself out to be?” To paraphrase Jesus’ two-fold response—which both shocks and infuriates his critics: “I am both the promised seed of Abraham and the God of Abraham. I am the ‘I Am.’”

38 min

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Christology of the New Testament
Projects Tim Harris Projects Tim Harris

Christology of the New Testament

PROJECT • Comprised of five lecture outlines on Christology, this teaching project provides an overview of the person and work of Jesus Christ from the pages of the New Testament.

Read time: 41 min

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The Mystery of Marriage
Sermons Tim Harris Sermons Tim Harris

The Mystery of Marriage

SERMON For many, marriage is little more than a social contract in which two lovers team up to relentlessly pursue their own pleasure. God, however, designed marriage to be radically God-centered. Marriage exists primarily as a joyful, human picture of the union of Christ and His Church. As such, our marriages must not mimic ever-changing societal norms but echo the eternal love story of Jesus and His Bride.

49 min

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